Luke Hays's Golf Stats
FairwayFiles Index26.8
Days Without Golf6
# Rounds this year8
Avg Rounds per year8.00
Total Rounds Played8
First Round:04/27/2024
Avg Score (NOT adjusted for course difficulty):55.38
Post A new Score
Best and Worst -- Only includes 18 hole rounds
  All Time 2024
  Fewest Avg Most Fewest Avg Most
Net Score 113 113.0 113 113 113.0 113
Gross Score 110 110.0 110 110 110.0 110
Total Putts 9999 N/A 0 9999 N/A 0
Total Sand 9999 N/A 0 9999 N/A 0
Total Fairways 9999 N/A 0 9999 N/A 0
Total GIR 9999 N/A 0 9999 N/A 0
Penalties 9999 N/A 0 9999 N/A 0
0 Putts 18 18.0 18 18 18.0 18
1 Putts 9999 N/A 0 9999 N/A 0
2 Putts 9999 N/A 0 9999 N/A 0
3 Putts 9999 N/A 0 9999 N/A 0
X Putts 9999 N/A 0 9999 N/A 0
Eagles 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0
Birdies 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0
Pars 3 3.0 3 3 3.0 3
Bogies 2 2.0 2 2 2.0 2
Doubles 7 7.0 7 7 7.0 7
Triples 3 3.0 3 3 3.0 3
Others 3 3.0 3 3 3.0 3
Golf Scoring Statistics
Frequency of Score per 18 holes
Year Rnds Double
Eagles Birdies Pars Bogies Doubles Triples Others
2024 4.5 0.00 0.00 0.22 3.56 5.78 4.67 2.22 1.56

Average Strokes Over / Under Par

** Rounds
With Details

Par 3

Par 4

Par 5
Avg Score
All Rnds
Avg Index
All Rnds
2024 4.5 1.13 1.88 1.44 28.22 4.5 98.44 32.29

** NOTE: Only rounds with hole by hole scores are included in statistics. If you use the quick entry the round won't count in your stats.
Stats Averages ( nine hole rounds count as .5 round )
Year Avg Fairways Avg Greens Avg Putts
2024 5.14 (3.5) 4.00 (3.5) 35.14 (3.5)
Numbers in parens are rounds with details where that stat was tracked
Handicap History
Putts Breakout
Score Breakout
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